Motives in medical advertising texts

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Dilnoza Sobirova
Mekhriniso Abuzalova
Saida Nazarova


It is well known that advertising means informing the public about a product or service, explaining its advantages and opportunities. This process takes place mainly through language. Advertising conveys certain information to the public during the promotion of the product, and at the same time has a rapid impact on its mental and intellectual state. The potential of our native language is also reflected in advertising. From this point of view, the social and pragmatic study of medical advertising is relevant. This article discusses the motives that are widely used in advertising to motivate consumers to buy a particular medicine. These views are supported by the example of medical advertisements in the media.

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How to Cite
Sobirova, D., Abuzalova, M., & Nazarova, S. (2022). Motives in medical advertising texts. Center for Scientific Publications (buxdu.Uz), 8(8). Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Dilnoza Sobirova, Bukhara State University

PhD student at Bukhara State University

Mekhriniso Abuzalova, Bukhara State University

Doctor of Philogy, Professor at Bukhara State University

Saida Nazarova, Bukhara State University

Candidate of Philological Sciences, docent at Bukhara State University


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