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Yarash Ruziev


The article analyzes the use of the second type of indirect speech (the morphological type of indirect speech) in
the Uzbek and German literary languages in the microtext. Morphological indirect speech is produced in Uzbek by
adding a suffix to the verb roots and using the incomplete verb emoq. Categories that form indirect speech, such as the
source of the message, the author's speech, the place and time of the speech act, are always referred to as microtext,
since they are not explicitly expressed in the sentence. The issue of the integrity and size of the microtext is also covered
in detail. The German language has a morphological type of indirect speech, like the Uzbek language, while the Russian
language has only a syntactic type of indirect speech. Since Uzbek literary works are mainly translated into German
through Russian, the article analyzes the incorrect translation of the morphological type of indirect speech into German
using examples. The article is written from the point of view of language as an idealistic-materialistic phenomenon.

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How to Cite
Ruziev, Y. (2023). THE SECOND TYPE OF INDIRECT SPEECH AND MICROTEXT . Center for Scientific Publications (buxdu.Uz), 31(31). Retrieved from


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