
Mavlyuda Gadoyeva


Ushbu maqola O`tkir Hoshimovning “Ikki eshik orasi” asarida qo`llanilgan somatizmlarning ma`nosini tahlil qilishga qaratilgan bo`lib, shu asar doirasida somatik birikmalarning
aynan asar ichida qanday mazmunda kelganini ifodalab beradi. Bundan tashqari maqola somatizmlarning turlari, ularning tilshunoslikda qo`llanilishi va tarkib topish usullarini muhokama qilishga qaratilgan bo`lib, ularning muhimlik darajasini asoslab beradi


Статьи buxdu.uz

Библиографические ссылки

O`tkir Hoshimov “Ikki eshik orasi”;

Gadoeva M.I. Features of connotative meaning of somatisms as part of phraseological units

// International Journal on Integrated Education.Volume 3, Issue III, March, 2020. – P.73-78. (Impact

Factor: SJIF 2020 – 5,712)

Gadoeva M.I. Lexico-semantic fields of “eye” in English and Uzbek languages //

Academicia. An International multidisciplinary Research Journal. ISSN (online): 2249-7137. Vol.

, Issue 10, October. https://saarj.com DOI NUMBER 10.5958/2249-7137.2021.02176.5. -India,

– P.872-879. (Impact Factor: SJIF 2021 - 7.492)

Gadoeva M.I. Semantics of somatism in blessings of English and Uzbek cultures // Web of

Scientist: International Scientific Research Journal Open Access, Peer reviewed Journal. ISSN: 2776-

Volume 2, Issue 11, November, 2021. – P. 269-276. (Impact Factor: SJIF 2021 – 5,599).

Gadoeva M.I. Expression of the somatizms "mouth", "ear", "nose", "tongue" in the system of

different languages // Novateur Publications JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed

Journal. ISSN No: 2581 – 4230. Volume 7, Issue 11, Nov. -2021. –P.125-130. (JIF -7.223).

Gadoeva M.I. Lexico-semantic Classification of Somatisms in Phraseological Funds of

English and Uzbek Languages // Eurasian Research Bulletin. Open Access, peer research journal.

–Belgium, 2022. –V.4. –P.140-145. www.geniusjournals.org. (JIF – 7.995).

Gadoeva M.I. Significant features of somatic vocabulary // Namangan davlat universiteti

axborotnomasi. – Namangan, 2021. -№12. –B. 411-416. (10.00.00; №26)

Gadoeva M.I. Expression of somatizms in curses // Euroasian journal of research,

development and innovation. Genius journals publishing group. Belgium, 2021. – P.30-33.

Gadoeva M.I. The Expression of Somatizms in English and Uzbek Proverbs // European

Conference on Natural Research. http://papers.onlineconferences.com/index.php/titfl/issue/view/Stockholm. –Sweden, 2021. – P. 36-41.

Gadoeva M.I. Polysemy of Somatizms in English and Uzbek Languages // International

Conference on Multidisciplinary Research and Innovative Technology’s. November 11th


https://academiascience.org/. –India. 2021, – P. 87-90.

Gadoeva M.I. Background analysis of somatic phraseological units in Uzbek //

Proceeding of International Conference on Research Innovation In Multidisciplinary Sciences,

Hosted From New York. www.econferenceglobe.com. –USA. 2021. –P. 297-300.

Gadoeva M.I. Interpretation of “head-bosh”, “foot-oyoq” and “heart-yurak (qalb)” in

English and Uzbek languages // Models and methods for increasing the efficiency of innovative

research: a collection scientific works of the International scientific conference (11 November)

ISSUE 5. – Copenhagen. 2021. – P.61-65.


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