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Phraseologism is a lexically indivisible combination of words. Phraseologisms have their own morphological and syntactic structure. The words in the phraseological units are grammatically and semantically related to each other and have a single meaning. It is not possible to exclude any component
from their composition. Phraseologisms are used in visual meanings and figurative expressions. They have historical norms and methods of use, and their meaning is clarified in a specific speech process. Phraseologism is a stable word combination that has a fully or partially figurative meaning. Phraseologisms
or idioms are the most colorful and expressive part of the language dictionary. Phraseologisms are lexicalized word combinations in which one word strives to be one lexeme without losing the form of the word combination. Phraseologisms are in the form of a word combination or a sentence as they consist of more than one word, but it is completely different from these units, which are speech units, and as a lexical unit it is close to words in many ways, to words a lot of characteristic features are characteristic of phraseologisms.
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