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Zubaydullo Rasulov
Otabek Murtazoyev


In academic discourse, intertextuality is a universal principle of constructing an academic text at the content level, as any text is retrospectively and persistently linked to other studies. According to the law of continuity of knowledge, each new academic text is associated with a complex mechanism that carries out the preservation of knowledge as well as communication between people who produce this knowledge. The interpretation of the text depends on the knowledge of other texts. Intertextuality activates the reader's knowledge stored in memory, while text recipients must be armed with previous information to understand new texts. Keywords: Intertextuality, semiotics, monologism, diologism, retrospective, communicative pragmatics, retrospective. 

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How to Cite
Rasulov , Z., & Murtazoyev , O. (2024). THE USE OF INTERTEXTUALITY IN LANGUAGE. Center for Scientific Publications (buxdu.Uz), 45(45). Retrieved from


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