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Muyassar Navruzova


The peculiarities of spells as an independent genre of folklore can be seen in the composition of their images and the magic of words in the sayings against it. These images have different appearance and quality depending on who or what the spell is directed against. It was found that the Uzbek folklore language contains examples of folk art related to the medical theme in the scope of various genres. Incantations recited when bitten by various insects, snakes, blackworms, scorpions, etc., have
been preserved to this day, to any extent, and collecting them and publishing them in the form of certain collections is one of the important tasks of our linguists. Based on this, the article describes spells in the folk language, their content and types. Examples of incantations in the vernacular are given. In addition, the meaning of incantations that are said when a scorpion stings, when a gulafshan comes out, and when an arrow hits is explained.

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How to Cite
Navruzova, M. (2023). LEXICAL COVERAGE OF MEDICAL UNITS AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LIVING LANGUAGE OF THE PEOPLE. Center for Scientific Publications (buxdu.Uz), 43(43). Retrieved from https://journal.buxdu.uz/index.php/journals_buxdu/article/view/11146
Статьи buxdu.uz


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