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Yarash Ruziev


The article analyzes the content and methodology of some monographs and joint works created by the representative of philosophical linguistics Kh. G. Nigmatov and his students and followers during the years of independence. Based on these works, it is said that the methodology consists of three
factors: 1) type of knowledge (level of knowledge); 2) approach to the source of research (method of approach); and 3) the point of view of the researcher and the essence of these three factors is explained. Based on the example, 16 principles of the dialectical approach to the study of language units are explained. The principles and methodological foundations of Uzbek substantive linguistics are analyzed and it is indicated that when identifying and describing the dialectical nature of linguistic units, i.e. phonemes, morphemes, lexemes and templates (models), representatives of Uzbek substantive linguistics are based on substantiality, internal inconsistency, multi-row, included third, and these principles form the
methodological basis of this direction of linguistics. It is revealed that under the term "substance" the representatives of this linguistics mean the essence and general meaning. In conclusion, it is said that, according to the researchers of substantive linguistics, the 16 basic principles identified in the formation of knowledge about the source of research in modern dialectics, the approach of Hegel and the Hegelians is considered the modern peak.

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How to Cite
Ruziev, Y. (2024). PHILOSOPHICAL LINGUISTICS AND METHODOLOGY. Center for Scientific Publications (buxdu.Uz), 45(45). Retrieved from


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