
Sulaymon Bo'riyev


One of the most pressing issues of our time is the rational use of water and soil resources. Scientists around the world claim that the number of people is growing every second, and about a century later, the problem of water and nutrient shortages will also increase.


Статьи buxdu.uz

Библиографические ссылки

Bo'riyev S.B., Xodjiyeva M.S. Herbivorous fish that are raised on fish farms in the Bukhara region. Scholar's Digest - Journal of Multidisciplinary studies, 2023

Ахунов А.А. Биотехнология получения белковых и витаминных препаратов из биомассы микроводорослей. Биология и биотехнология микроорганизмов. Ташкент, 1992

Bo'riyev S.B., Mustafayeva M.I., Rashidov N.E. Buxoro vohasidagi tuban suvo'tlarining holati va istiqbollari. Fan yutuqlari va qishloq xo'jaligini rivojlantirish istiqbollari. Samarqand, 2005

Bo'riyev S.B., Zahidov Т. Производственное культивирование хлореллы и её применение в откорме скота в совхозе «Рассвет» Биология и биотехнология микроорганизмов: сборник статей. - Ташкент: Фан Уз ССР, 1989

Bo'riyev S.B., Qobilov A.M., Yuldashov L.T., Jalolov E.K. Yashol suvo'tlarini baliqchilikda qo'llashning istiqbollari. O'zbekiston sharoitida baliqchilikni rivojlantirish muammolari va istiqbollari. Buxoro, 2021.

Bo'riyev S.B., Jalolov E.B. Southern foreign funds-high water plants and system of the fish water. Scientific and Technical Journal of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, 2019

Bo'riyev S.B., Mustafayeva M.I., Rashidov N.E. Buxoro vohasidagi tuban suvo'tlarining holati va istiqbollari. Fan yutuqlari va qishloq xo'jaligini rivojlantirish istiqbollari. Samarqand, 2005 Bo'riyev

Bo'riyev S.B., Qobilov A.M. Growing Chlorella vulgaris and its use for feeding fish.

Биология ва экология электрон журнали, 2019 9. Bo'riyev S.B., Xodjiyeva M.S. Herbivorous fish that are raised on fish farms in the Bukhara region. Scholar's Digest - Journal of Multidisciplinary studies, 2023

Khodjiyeva M.S. Forage water plants are the key for improving fish productivity. "Spectrum Journal" of Innovation, Reforms and Development, 2022

Ходжиева М.С. Кормовые водные растения без БЭВ залог улучшения продуктивности

рыб. The journal of integrated education and research, 2022. 12. Bo'riyev S.B., Xodjiyeva M.S. Sharopova Sh.R. Yarashov A. Biotechnology of cultivation of phytoplankton and zoplankton containing physiological active substances. Science and innovation. 2023

Xodjiyeva M.S. O'zbekistonda Baliqchilikni rivojlantirish biotexnologiyalari. "Tafakkur va talqin" respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjumani. 2022

Xodjiyeva M.S., Ochilova G.A., Usmonova G.I. Tuproq muhitining o'simliklar hayotidagi roli. Pedagogs, 2022

Xodjiyeva M.S. Typha angustifolia - ingichka bargli qo'g'a o'simligining xalq xo'jaligidagi ahamiyati. O'zbekiston Respublikasi hududidagi suv havzalarida o'suvchi tuban va yuksak suv o'simliklarini ko'paytirish, ularni xalq xo'jaligida qo'llash. 2020.




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