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Nafisa Hamroyeva


Abstract. Today, thanks to the development of pragmalinguistics, interest in the study of
speech genres is growing. The term “fatika”, introduced into science by Bronislav Malinovsky, also
attracts the attention of linguists as a form of speech. Fatika is a short conversation on a topic that
is not directly related to the transmission of information (data) related to the purpose of
communication, a type of verbal communication that serves only to maintain verbal communication
between interlocutors. A compliment, which is a form of fatic communication, is also considered a
separate communicative level of speech etiquette. This article focuses on fatal communication
issues and its functions, compliments reflecting the content of sincere praise and respect, and its
impact on the conversation process.

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How to Cite
Hamroyeva, N. (2021). СOMPLIMENT AS A FORM OF FATIC COMMUNICATION. Center for Scientific Publications (buxdu.Uz), 2(2). Retrieved from https://journal.buxdu.uz/index.php/journals_buxdu/article/view/852
Статьи buxdu.uz


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