Anthropocentric approach to language: fatika and its features

Main Article Content

Nafisa Hamroyeva


The end of the XX century is the beginning of the XXI century
scope of the object of linguistic research
with significant expansion
is Today, anthropology, psychology,
sociology, cultural studies and a number of others
serious results in the field of language learning without science
making sure it is a difficult task to achieve
was made. All its psychological features,
form of social existence and cultural values
with the focus of human linguistics
set anthropocentric principle linguistics
new disciplines in the field - pragmalinguistics, speech
process theory, psycholinguistics,
to the formation of disciplines such as sociolinguistics

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How to Cite
Hamroyeva, N. (2022). Anthropocentric approach to language: fatika and its features. Center for Scientific Publications (buxdu.Uz), 8(8). Retrieved from


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