Peculiarities Of The Integration Of Linguistics And Medicine

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Mekhriniso Abuzalova
Nafisa Gaybullayeva


Today, the replenishment of the vocabulary of our national language, the creation of Uzbek alternatives to modern terms in medicine, the creation of their electronic versions, the development of problems of linguistics and the study of language, personality, social relations in medicine are topical. To enrich the vocabulary of Uzbek terminology, coverage of terms using nominatives, providing meaningful explanations filling inappropriate medical terms with unique medical nominations, widespread use of the native language in their creation serve to develop and perfect the Uzbek language.

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How to Cite
Abuzalova, M., & Gaybullayeva, N. (2022). Peculiarities Of The Integration Of Linguistics And Medicine. Center for Scientific Publications (buxdu.Uz), 8(8). Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Mekhriniso Abuzalova, Bukhara State University

Doctor of philology, professor

Nafisa Gaybullayeva, Bukhara State University

Phd, docent


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