Тиббий эвфемизмларда гендер фарқланиш

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Нафиса Гайбуллаева


       Based on examples, the article analyzes views based on gender differentiation and gender neutrality in medical euphemisms studied in world linguistics and used in the Uzbek language.  The differences in speech, character and behavior of representatives of different sexes are examined, how the speech situation in representatives of two sexes expresses gender differences in context, their impact on the social environment, medical euphemisms of the Uzbek language are grouped as euphemisms expressing male and female signs and features, physiological condition, disease.

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How to Cite
Гайбуллаева, Н. (2021). Тиббий эвфемизмларда гендер фарқланиш. Center for Scientific Publications (buxdu.Uz), 3(3). Retrieved from https://journal.buxdu.uz/index.php/journals_buxdu/article/view/1643
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