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Oliyabonu Kamolova


Ushbu maqola yarimo'tkazgichlimaydon tranzistoriga yorug‘lik
ta‘siri o'rganilgan. Maydon tranzistorining yorug‘likka ta‘sirini o'lchashda o'lchov parametri sifatida yuqori omli voltmetr bilan darajalangan yopilish kuchlanishi olingan.

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How to Cite
Kamolova, O. (2024). YARIMO’TKAZGICHLI MAYDON TRANZISTORIGA YORUG’LIK TA’SIRI. Center for Scientific Publications (buxdu.Uz), 49(49). Retrieved from https://journal.buxdu.uz/index.php/journals_buxdu/article/view/12394
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