Main Article Content

Shaxnoz Samiyeva


This article discusses the role of creativity, creative thinking, creativity in the development of the worldview of young people, analyzes the issues of their involvement in creative and vocational training. It provides information on design, which is an integral part of applied art. Also, these concepts determined the role of an aesthetic worldview in the development of the creative abilities of youth. Design broadly encompasses art, as well as the process of its creation and use.

Article Details

How to Cite
Samiyeva, S. (2023). ИННОВАЦИОННОЕ РАЗВИТИЕ ПРОЕКТНЫХ НАВЫКОВ УЧАЩИХСЯ НА ОСНОВЕ КРЕАТИВНОГО ПОДХОДА. CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (buxdu.Uz), 38(38). Retrieved from https://journal.buxdu.uz/index.php/journals_buxdu/article/view/10353
Статьи buxdu.uz
Author Biography

Shaxnoz Samiyeva, Bukhara State University

Samiyeva Shakhnoz Hikmatovna


Date of birth: 06/20/1978

City: Bukhara (Uzbekistan)

Phone: +998905103103

Email: samieva-1978@mail.ru


Associate Professor at Bukhara State University

Education: higher, candidate of pedagogical sciences (PhD), associate professor


September 1995-June 2001 Bukhara Institute of Food and Light Industry, faculty of light industry, specialty - "Technology of garments", master's degree (full-time department)

04/01/2014 - 07/20/2014. Courses "Pedagogy"

Bukhara Pedagogical University, Bukhara (Uzbekistan)

11/27/2019 – 12/25/2019. Courses "Innovative Technologies in Testing and Light Industry"

A.N. Kosygin Russian State University (technology, design, art), Moscow

1999 - 2011 - Lecturer at the Bukhara College of Culture

2011 - 2013 - Deputy Director of the Bukhara College of Culture

2013 - 2019 - assistant of the department of technology and equipment of light industry of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology

2019 - 2019 - Associate Professor of the Department of Machinery and Equipment of Light Industry of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology

2019 - present Head of the Department of Light Industry Machinery and Equipment of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology

·             in 2018 he successfully defended his PhD thesis in pedagogical sciences (PhD) on the topic "Methodology for the development of aesthetic worldview among students of professional colleges in the direction of design" in the specialty 13.00.05 - theory and methodology of vocational education

·             in 2020 she received the academic title of associate professor in the specialty 05.06.04. - "Technology of garments and costume design".

·             Language proficiency: Russian and Uzbek fluent, English - basic (dictionary)

• Active life position, purposefulness, Responsibility, efficiency, optimism

• Creative, proactive, comprehensively developed

• Organizational skills, communication skills

·         2021 was awarded a commemorative badge "30 years of independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan

·        In 2016 and 2021, she participated in the competition "The Best Teacher of a Higher Educational Establishment" and won first place at the institute stage.

·        In 2017, she won first place in the regional and republican stages of the “100 Best Innovative Projects of Uzbek Women” with a project about her creative and scientific work, and was awarded a diploma.

·        In 2018, she won a competition organized by the Istedod Foundation, and in 2019 by the El-Yurt Umidi Foundation under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also completed advanced training courses at the Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin.

·        In 2019, together with the Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin, she organized an international webinar on the topic “Innovative methods for the production of sustainable garments” and a seminar on the topic “Innovative materials and technologies in the light industry”.

·        More than 40 manuals have been published. Textbook "Embroidery technology and production equipment", (Textbook on the basis of the stamp of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan order 600-002), textbook "General Pedagogy", "Innovative technologies in the clothing industry", "Technological processes in production", monograph " The development of aesthetic worldview among students of higher educational institutions”, “Creative management”, “Development of higher education system management of the educational process on the basis of a creative approach”, electronic manuals “Painting and creative graphics”, “Pedagogical skills and pedagogical technologies”, “Theory and history of pedagogy”, “Innovative pedagogical activity” , "Pedagogical prognosis and riskology" and methodological manuals "Embroidery and artistic taste", "Modeling, cutting and tailoring", "History of costume and fashion", "Technology of sewing, knitwear and gold embroidery", etc.

·        Work is underway on research projects and start-ups on the topics “Studying trends in the use of elements of the Bukhara gold-embroidered art in modern clothes”, “Application of innovative technologies in the textile industry”, “Improving the process of weaving smart fabrics using natural and optical fibers”.

·        has published more than 100 scientific and theoretical articles in international journals, including Scopus, Web of Science, as well as in national journals and collections. She was a participant of national and international scientific conferences, competitions, was awarded certificates of honor and diplomas.


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