Правовая и социальная защищенность подчиненных как одно из основных направлений воспитательной работы офицеров


Laziz Nurulloyev


For th e last years th e situation in our society significantly exchanged th a t naturally
influenced also activity of A rm ed Forces of ou r country. T he relevance of w ork is th a t the
m ilitary p ersonnel needs social su p p o rt from th e state. It is necessary to u n d erstan d th at
proceeding from a hum an factor, th e real efficiency of th e person involved in m ilitary
activity directly depends on in w h at conditions he lives. R eadiness to give life for the
H om eland has to be su p p o rted w ith th e real actions from th e state directed on creating
favorable conditions for life of th e m ilitary and his family


Как цитировать
Nurulloyev, L. (2021). Правовая и социальная защищенность подчиненных как одно из основных направлений воспитательной работы офицеров. Центр Научных Публикаций (buxdu.Uz), 2(2). извлечено от https://journal.buxdu.uz/index.php/journals_buxdu/article/view/767
Статьи buxdu.uz

Библиографические ссылки

Tyutchenko, A.M. (1996). The role of officers in maintaining a

high moral and psychological state in the conditions of the daily

activities of the troops. Landmark, 1, 51.

Tyutchenko, A.M. (1994). The m oral and psychological state of

m ilitary personnel: assessm ent and ways of formation. - M:


Cherkasov, A.V. (1995). Build readiness for battle. Landmark, 6,