Smallpox in turkeys


закия сафарова


The article describes epidemiological diseases of animals, in particular smallpox of birds. The disease of turkeys, such as turkey pox, its spread, transmission, signs and treatments are revealed. In our country,
animals are mostly bred in rural areas. The quality and ecological purity of their products is better than that of products grown in specialized farms and poultry farms. Since, in rural areas, local and traditional methods are used to treat livestock and poultry. Although the level of exposure to chemicals is high, it is not always recommended to use them, in rural areas much
attention is paid to ensuring environmental cleanliness of products.


Как цитировать
сафарова, з. (2023). Smallpox in turkeys. ЦЕНТР НАУЧНЫХ ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ (buxdu.Uz), 37(37). извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки

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