Importance of gdp in the economy of Uzbekistan


Hilola Abdullayeva


Gross domestic product is a contraction of total acceptance and a macroeconomic indicator that directly reflects the market value of goods and services at the end of each year (that is, intended for direct consumption). Also, GDP is a report produced during the year for consumption in all sectors of the economy of the country, and savings of fixed exports using factors of production of national equipment. This concept was first proposed by Simon Kuznets in 1934. GDP is an annual report on the consistency of production of existing and established countries, which world economists divide into
parts. GDP determines the growth of prices in the current year based on current prices (without ratio) in world markets.


Как цитировать
Abdullayeva, H. (2023). Importance of gdp in the economy of Uzbekistan . ЦЕНТР НАУЧНЫХ ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ (buxdu.Uz), 37(37). извлечено от

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