The spiritual legacy of Yusuf Hamadani


oygul sharipova


This article provides a philosophical analysis of the
spiritual heritage of Yusuf Hamadoni, the teacher of Abdukhalik
Gijduvani, the founder of the Khojagon Sufi sect.



Библиографические ссылки

Khoja Yusuf Hamadoniy. Criteria of life, Ethics, about the universe and

man..Tashkent.2018, .23 pages.

Khoja Yusuf Hamadoni. Etiquette. Translators: S. Sayfulloh, N. Hasan.

"Mavoraunnahr"? 2018/102, bet.

Yusuf Hamadoni. Risala (fi annal-kavna musahharun lil-in-man). Istanbul,

Kupruli Library, FA Pasha, № 853. 209a-212p.

Khuja Abdukholik Gijduvani. The goal is as-solikin. B. 13.


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