
Nodira Tolibova


Ushbu maqolada frazeologiyaning kelib chiqishi, rivojlanishi, o’rganilishi,
frazeologizmlarning shakllanish masalalari haqida so’z yuritilgan. Maqolada shuningdek,
frazeologiyaning rivojlanishida o’z hissasini qo’shgan olimlar va ularning frazeologiya sohasida olib
borgan tadqiqotlari tahlili ko’rsatib o’tilgan


Статьи buxdu.uz

Библиографические ссылки

Coonin. A.V Some questions of English phraseology. English-Russian phraseological dictionary. M., 1955. 1455 p.

Coonin A.V. English phraseology (theoretical course). M., 1970. 344 p.

Coonin A.V. Phraseological variance and structural synonymy in modern English // Problems of phraseology and the

tasks of its study in higher and secondary schools. Vologda, 1967.1229 p.

Coonin A.V. Phraseology of modern English. M., 1972.345 p.

Shansky N.M. Phraseology of the modern Russian language: Textbook for universities. 3rd ed. rev. and add. M .: Higher

school. 1985.160 p.

Vinogradov V.V. On the main types of phraseological units in the Russian language // Academician A. A. Shakhmatov.

M.-L., 1974 pp. 21-28

Vinogradov V.V. The main types of lexical meanings of the word // Questions of linguistics. 1953. pp. 90-130