Yoshlarga‖ ta’lim‖ tarbiya berish har doim ham har qanday davrning dolzarb
muammosi‖ bo’lib‖ kelgan.‖ Yoshlarga‖ bilim‖ sifatida‖ o`qish‖ va‖ yozishni,‖ xorijiy‖ tillarni‖ va‖ aniq‖ fanlarni‖
o’rgatar‖ ekanmiz‖ ularga‖ avvalambor‖ akademik‖ dunyoda‖ va‖ akademik‖ muloqotda‖ halollik‖ prinsiplariga‖
Библиографические ссылки
Arizona State University Student Academic Integrity Policy
(http://provost.asu.edu/academic.integrity )
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Howard, R. M. (1992). A plagiarism pentimento. Journal of teaching writing, 11(2), 233-45.
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Jensen, L. A., Arnett, J. J., Feldman, S. S., & Cauffman, E. (2002). It's wrong, but everybody
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psychology, 27(2), 209-228.