
Maxmud Orziyev


Ushbu maqolada Turkiston bekliklarining siyosiy tarixi xususida so`z boradi


Статьи buxdu.uz

Библиографические ссылки

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Orziev M.Z. Some information about the political history of the Afghan Turkestan

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Orziyev M.Z., Sobirov U.B. History of Border Conflicts Between the States of

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Putishestvie v Buxaru: Razkazax o plavanii po Indu ot morya do Lagora s

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, 1832 and 1833 godax lieutenant Ost-Indiyskoy Kompaneyskoy slujby

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Turkestanskiy sbornik T-38. - 502 s.

Putishestvie v Buxaru: Razkazax o plavanii po Indu ot morya do Lagora s

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Alexander Bornsom. - Moscow.: V universitetskoy tipografii 1848. //

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Yuldashev K.M. From the history of the establishment of Afghan diplomacy. //

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Orziev M.Z The second world war and the unopened Afghan front Scientific

reports of Bukhara State University 4 (3), 243-249

Orziev M.Z, Akhmatov AK The channel from Sirdarya to Bukhara: truth or fraud

Scientific reports of Bukhara State University 3 (1), 234-239 29. Ergashev

Jakhongir Yunus ugli. On problem of the composition of Bukhara market and

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Ergashev Jahongir Yunus ugli. Development of transportation types and their

usage on caravan roads in middle ages. - International Journal on Integrated

Education journal. - Volume 3, Issue II, Feb 2020. - P. 19-23 (impact factor - 5.06)

Ergashev Jahongir Yunus ugli Transportation means on the caravan roads of the

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Orziyev.M Relations between the Emirate of Bukhara and the Ottoman Turkic

State in the Establishment of the Russian Protectorate The Emirate of Bukhara and the Ottoman Turkic State in the Establishment of the Russian Protectorate…

центр научных публикаций

Orziyev M Some information on the political history of the principalities of the

Turkestan Turkestan in the "Collection of Turkestan" (XVIII-XIX centuries) ценр

научных публикаций

Orziyev M The formation of the Afghan state and the Bukhara-Afghan relations in

the second half of the XVIII century center nauchnyx publikatsiy

Orziyev M. On the role of Bukhara in the development of science and culture

during the reign of amir temur and the temurids Tsentr nauchnyx publikatsiy

(buxdu. Uz) 8 (8)

Majidov, J. (2020). Transport and road construction issues in Bukhara. tsentr

nauchnyx publikatsiy (buxdu. uz), 10 (9).

Majidov, J.J., & kh, a. (2019). Glimpses from the history of the Amudarya flotilla

at the end of the 19th-beginning of the 20th century (on the basis of the

proceedings of the "turkestan collection"). Journal of the Past, 15 (2).

Yusupovich, K. S. (2020). The Emergence Of Religious Views Is Exemplified By

The Southern Regions. The American Journal of Social Science and Education

Innovations, 2(10), 143-145.


STATE OF BACTRIA. World Bulletin of Social Sciences, 4(11), 69-72.

Yusupovich, K. S. (2021). Қадимий Дафн Маросимларидаги Анъана

Жараёнлари Ўзбекистон Жануби Мисолида. Барқарорлик ва Етакчи

Тадқиқотлар онлайн илмий журнали, 1(6), 72-77.

Yusupovich, K. S. (2021). Қадимий Дафн Маросимларидаги Анъана

Жараёнлари Ўзбекистон Жануби Мисолида. Барқарорлик ва Етакчи

Тадқиқотлар онлайн илмий журнали, 1(6), 72-77.

Safarali Yusupovich Kushokov, & Sardor Ahmedov. (2021). THE STRUCTURE OF


European Scholar Journal, 2(10), 25-27.



Кушоков, С. (2021). Сополли ва Жарқўтон маданиятида дафн маросимлари.

Общество и инновации, 5(11/S), 150-154.


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