Kotoran 80% S.P., sholg'om kuyalariga qarshi


Feruza Ganieva


Buxoro viloyati Jondor tumanidagi “O‘rin-Bahrom-Bekzod” fermer xo‘jaligida 2018-2019-yillarda olib borilgan dala o‘rganishlari natijasida ko‘ra o‘simligi bilan davolash natijasida sholg‘omning tuxumi 3 barobarga, qurti 6 barobardan ko‘proqqa kamaydi. 10 aprelda paxta ekish jarayonida sholg'om kuyasini ommaviy tuxum qo'yishdan 10-15 kun oldin (30 metr lenta usulida PGS-2,4 traktori bilan 0,4 kg/ga yoki 12 l/ga nisbatda) (1-jadval).


Статьи buxdu.uz

Библиографические ссылки

Alkhasyants E.L., Komilov A.I. - "Preemergence weed control", "Cotton growing" No. 4. Moscow, 1972.

V.N. Chirkov. Workshop on plant growing. Tashkent. "Ukituvchi" PH,1972.

F.M. Uspensky. What should be the system of integrated plant protection? Moscow, "Cotton growing" magazine,

, No. 2, pp. 25-30.

Tukhtaev Sh.Kh."Measures to prevent damage to cotton by turnip moth" Abstract. Tashkent, 1992.

Tukhtaev Sh.Kh. and others. “Study of the influence of different methods of applying herbicides on turnip moth (Agrotis segetum) and soil entomophages, Bukhara, 2018


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