The interpretation of zoosemy through the symbol of Monkey in the stories of N.Eshonqul ’’Maymun yetaklagan odam(The Man Leading the Monkey) and W.W.Jacob’s ’’The Monkey’s Paw’’ Toirova Umida Sobirovna A teacher of English literature department Bukhara


Umida Toirova


This article studies literal interpretation of   monkey zoosemy through stories. The symbol of monkey will discuss with comparative way in Uzbek and English .literature .The symbol of monkey perfectly have used in both writers works besides their writing styles are different, however symbolizing animals are given with deep meaning that make every reader think thoroughly. This    section include the term of   zoosemy and its meaning, some ideas of different genres of both story writers in Uzbek and English stories


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Библиографические ссылки

Kiełtyka, R. (2008) On Zoosemy: The Study of Middle English and Early Modern English

DOMESTICATED ANIMALS. Rzeszów: WydawnictwoUniwersytetuRzeszowskiego

Kiełtyka, R. i G. A. Kleparski (2005) ‘The scope of English zoosemy: The case of

DOMESTICATED ANIMALS’ [w:] G.A. Kleparski (red.) StudiaAnglicaResoviensia 3,s. 76-87. fiction

NazarEshonqulMaymunyetaklaganOdam.ToshkentYangi Nashr.2019.(191-200 pages)



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