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Малохат Жаббарова


this article discusses the typology o f the stories "Mademoiselle Fiji" and "Horror"
written by Guy de Maupassant and Abdullah Kahhar. A typological study o f the two stories
suggests that the difference between these epic works, despite the differences, there are
certain similarities and similarities between them. The works o f writers o f different
nationalities are connected not only by literary influences, but also by typological laws. In
this article we want to reflect on the typology o f the stories "Mademoiselle Fifi" and
"Horror", written by Guy de Maupassant and Abdullah Kahhor.

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How to Cite
Жаббарова, М. (2021). STORY TYPOLOGY. Center for Scientific Publications (buxdu.Uz), 22(22). Retrieved from


Каххор А. Избранные произведения. Тошкент, 2007 (на узбекском яз.).

Каххор А. Кощинор огни (роман). Тошкент, 1987 (на узбекском яз.).

Каххо А. Дахшат (сборник рассказов). Тошкент, 2007 (на узбекском яз.).

Мопассан Ги де. Жизнь, родная (повести). Романы. Ташкент, 1987.

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