Development of archeology in Uzbekistan

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Bobir Boltayev


At this stage, in the 2nd-1st millennia BC, in the early Iron and Bronze Ages, in the basins of the Amu Darya, Zarafshan, Kashkadarya and the small oases of Sherobodarya and Akhdarya, an agricultural culture settled, the first cities appeared, early cultural oases and cities appeared Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Mayan city-state-like states. The 8th-7th centuries BC are characterized by the emergence and development of large, well-formed political states similar to the Median state of the ancient East, such as “Great Khorezm”, “Bactrian Kingdom” and “Gava Sogdian”.

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How to Cite
Boltayev, B. (2024). Development of archeology in Uzbekistan. Center for Scientific Publications (buxdu.Uz), 55(55). Retrieved from


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