Today, scientific and practical work is being done on the areas of tourism that are not only economically beneficial, but also beneficial to the nature. Tourism has become a network that covers all sectors. Also in agriculture. For many years, the tourism industry has played a significant role in the economies of various developed countries. At the same time, improperly organized tourism has had serious consequences for the nature of these developed countries. The predominance of economic benefits has led to a gradual loss of balance and stability.
In the near future, it will be the dream of many to travel only to fresh air and spectacular landscapes. The value of such destinations may increase, and not everyone can afford them. Mostly citizens of developed countries suffer from the contaminated nature of their country and are bored, so these green places will become an ideal place for them to relax and unwind. This will create a more favorable opportunity for developing countries. This is because the resources of developing countries are now being used for tourism purposes. This is a good time for them to develop tourism on the basis of sustainability. Our country is also very rich in such green places, especially in the field of agriculture. The establishment of somewhat new tourism clusters in this area could also put the industry at some risk. However, agritourism clusters based on sustainable tourism criteria maintain a balance between environmental and economical aspects.
Библиографические ссылки
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