Digital Technologies Es as a Perspective Information Technology inthe Educational Process


Турсун Шафиев


Modern information technologies are becoming a determining factor inimproving the quality ofeducation. Virtual Educational Environment-this is a hardware-software methodologicalcomplex, belonging to the class of intellectuals, which ensures the conduct of all types ofeducational process, as insingle-user and in groupmode. Analyzing the role and importance ofvirtual educational environment in education, it can be stated that this role is strategicallyimportant, and the importance of virtual educational environment in the development ofeducation is growing rapidly.It has unique capabilities that provide a significant increase in theindividualization, intensity and effectiveness of the educational process.


Как цитировать
Шафиев, Т. (2022). Digital Technologies Es as a Perspective Information Technology inthe Educational Process. Центр Научных Публикаций (buxdu.Uz), 14(14). извлечено от

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