Вернуться к Подробностям о статье . Popov, A. V. Analysis of the efficiency of various types of heat pumps / A. V. Popov // Problems of energy saving. - 2005. - No. 1. - Pp. 27–31. 2. Kalnin, I.M. Energy saving heat pump technologies / I.M. Kalnin // Ecologist. systems. - 2003. - No. 6. - Pp. 14-17. 3. Insheva, Y. V. Heat pumps in Belarus. Interview with S. V. Konev, Head of the Thermoregulation Laboratory at the Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer. A. V. Lykova / Y. V. Insheva [Electronic resource]. –2010. 4. Protsenko, V. P. Conversion coefficient of vapor compression heat pumps / V. P. Protsenko, V. A. Radchenko // Heat power engineering. - 1998. - No. 8. - Pp. 32–42. 5. E, I. Butikov, A.A. Bykov. Chiller and heat pump. / Scientific-methodical journal Physics at school. 1990. - No. 5. - pp. 74–76 Скачать Скачать PDF