
Nilufar Akhrorova


Bugungi kunda turizming turlari xilma-xillashib, turistik hududlarning xususiyatiga qarab ahamiyati oshib bormoqda, asosan, yoshlar turizmi va sayohati doirasida talabalar turizmining ham ommalashuvi yaqqol namoyon bo‘lmoqda. Mazkur maqolada talabalar turizmining sayohat va turizmning boshqa turlari bilan integratsiyalashuv jarayonlari va uning ta’sirlari borasida bayon etiladi.


Как цитировать
Akhrorova, N. (2024). ПРОЦЕССЫ ИНТЕГРАЦИИ СТУДЕНЧЕСКОГО ТУРИЗМА С ДРУГИМИ ВИДАМИ ТУРИЗМА И ПУТЕШЕСТВИЙ. Центр Научных Публикаций (buxdu.Uz), 52(52). извлечено от https://journal.buxdu.uz/index.php/journals_buxdu/article/view/12934
Статьи buxdu.uz

Библиографические ссылки

Carr, N. 2000. An exploratory study of gendered differences in young tourists

perception of danger within London. Tourism Management 22:565-570.

Sullivan, A. 2004. Defining trends in youth travel in Australia. In The World

Youth and Student Travel Conference 2004. Madrid: World Youth and Student Travel


Uktаmоvnа, А. N. (2023). Thе fоrеign соuntriеs’еxреriеnсе оn tоurism аnd

уоuth роliсу. Journal of new century innovations, 31(1), 125-131.

Uktamovna, A. N. (2023). The differences and characteristics of young

travellers. International journal of advanced research in education, technology and

management, 2(5).

Crossley, E. (2012). Poor but happy: volunteer tourists’ encounters with poverty.

Tourism Geographies, 14(2):235-253.

Akhrorova, N. U. (2022). Swot Analysis in Youth Tourism Development

Strategies for Uzbekistan. American Journal of Economics and Business

Management, 5(12), 26-33.

Axrorova, N. (2023). The role of geo information and communication

technologies in the development of youth tourism. Центр научных публикаций

(buxdu.uz), 33(33).

Moisa, C. O. (2010). Aspects of the youth travel demand. Annales Universitatis

Apulensis: Series Oeconomica, 12(2), 575.

Akhrorova, N. (2023). The role of international business in the development of

youth tourism and travel. Центр научных публикаций (buxdu. uz), 34(34).

Jones, D., Social Tourism in the E.U. - Student & Youth Travel, European

Commission Seminar, Brussels, 2007.

Akhrorova, N. U., & Axmadova, Z. A. (2023). The role of youth travel

organizations in improving the national economy. Современные вопросы

естествознания и экономики (pp. 61-64)

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