Determining the algoflora of Dengizkol Lake and breeding promising species in laboratory conditions


feruz shodmonov


This article found that 123 species and species of microscopic algae, belonging to 4 divisions, 9 classes, 19 orders, 25 families, 32 genera, are distributed in the algal flora of the Dengizkol reservoir. When analyzing microscopic algae of the Dengizkol natural reservoir in contour sections, it was found that the number of species is high in areas where water flows into the lake, and the number of species is low in areas remote from the inflow of water. In particular, 114 species of phytoplankton were found in the 1st circuit of the Dengizkol collector, 100 species in the 2nd contour of the reservoir of the Republic of Turkmenistan, 89 of them in the 3rd circuit of the ABMK-2 outlet canal. Chlorella vulgaris Beijer on 04ˮ nutrient medium cells up to 45.1 million/ml, Scenedesmus obliquus (Turp.) Kütz. on the basis of experiments it was proved that the number of cells increased to 46.4 million/ml.


Как цитировать
shodmonov, feruz. (2023). Determining the algoflora of Dengizkol Lake and breeding promising species in laboratory conditions. Центр Научных Публикаций (buxdu.Uz), 41(41). извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки

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