Cultıvatıon of protococcales on wastewater


Шахноза Шаропова


Many farms in Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other republics arrange the production cultivation of chlorella and other microalgae in special installations and the use of suspensions as a proteinvitamin additive in the ration of farm animals. The use of chlorella and
other microalgae in the fattening of cattle, pigs and poultry allows for additional weight gain, the elimination of avitaminosis diseases and improvement of product quality.


Как цитировать
Шаропова, Ш. (2023). Cultıvatıon of protococcales on wastewater. Центр Научных Публикаций (buxdu.Uz), 37(37). извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки

A.V.Berenstein, Z.I. Asaul, Cultivation of chlorella on distillery wastes. Alcohol Industry (1963)

G.G. Winberg, Microbiology 33 (1964)

S.A. Baranov, et. al., Experience of cultivation on excreta of some animals and man in conditions of accumulating cultures. In: "Controlled cultivation of microalgae" (Moscow, Nauka Publishing House, 1964)

L.B. Dolivo-Dobrovolsky, B.T. Yuriev, Experimental studies on wastewater treatment and neutralization of settlements in biological oxidation contact stabilization ponds in the use of wastewater in agriculture (Tashkent, Publishing house "Fan" UzSSR, 1972)

G.G. Winberg, P.V. Ostapenya, Biological ponds in wastewater treatment practice (Minsk, Publishing house "Nauka", 1961)

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