O'zbek adabiy tilida so'roq gap va o'zlashtirmalik

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Erkin Jumayev


The article undergoes component and text analysis of one of the varieties of communicative meaning, that is, indirect questioning. Also, the analysis of the rhetorical nature of the
question cannot be limited to a single interrogative sentence. Because the unknown part of the thought becomes clear from the answer. Depending on the level of awareness of the listener, the answer will appear in different ways. Secondly, the first part of the interrogative sentence acts as the main message, and the
second part acts as a link, referring to before or after. Accordingly, the interrogative sentence is the main
message, and the answer (in the case of an indicative sentence) is a new message. In this case, since the contextual analysis is insufficient, the textual analysis is resorted to. Below, the acquisition question, which is a form of the general meaning of the category of communicative purpose, is analyzed from this point of view. An attempt is being made to more fully disclose the features of the indirect questioning based on micro
texts taken from fiction

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How to Cite
Jumayev, E. (2023). O’zbek adabiy tilida so’roq gap va o’zlashtirmalik. Center for Scientific Publications (buxdu.Uz), 27(27). Retrieved from http://journal.buxdu.uz/index.php/journals_buxdu/article/view/8743
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