Differential, Communicative and Neuropsycholinguistic Problems of Semantic Functionally Formed Speeches in Unrelated Languages


Dilfuza Narzullayeva


In the recent development of world linguistics, the study of the comparative typological, semiotical, personnogical, lingvopragmatical, and lingvocultural and lingvopsychological features of communication, speech, structural research and neuropsycholinguistics has become increasingly relevant. From time immemorial, philosophers, linguists, sociologists, psychologists, and even physicians have been interested in the problems of language personality and speech culture. This articlediscusses the role and importance of communicative speech in integrating a linguistic person into a charismatic person through speech


Как цитировать
Narzullayeva, D. (2023). Differential, Communicative and Neuropsycholinguistic Problems of Semantic Functionally Formed Speeches in Unrelated Languages. Центр Научных Публикаций (buxdu.Uz), 32(32). извлечено от http://journal.buxdu.uz/index.php/journals_buxdu/article/view/9513
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Библиографические ссылки

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