Synthesis and Study of Monoacetylferrocene Benzoylhydrazone and its Complex with Chromium (Iii) Ion


Сулаймонова Зилола


Hydrazone was synthesized by the interaction of benzoic acid hydrazide with monoacetylferrocene. Based on them, a complex compound with a chromium (III) ion was obtained. The elemental composition was determined by scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive analysis. Based on the SEM and EDA data, it can be concluded that the complex formation of a metal ion with an organic ligand leads to a change in their microstructure; in particular, numerous peaks of elements were recorded, which was confirmed by EDA. The IR spectrum was taken to elucidate the nature of the binding of the ligand coordination center to the central atom of the metal, the complex compound synthesized by us.


Как цитировать
Зилола S. (2023). Synthesis and Study of Monoacetylferrocene Benzoylhydrazone and its Complex with Chromium (Iii) Ion. Центр Научных Публикаций (buxdu.Uz), 31(31). извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки

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