Development of a Polymer Composite Composition for the Process of Dyeing Silk Fibers with Acid Dyes


Diloromxon Mutalipova


A detailed study of all stages of the manufacturing process (including the final finishing) of silk fabrics and the
identification of patterns of colloidal chemical processes occurring during the boiling of raw silk in solutions of
surfactants and enzymes, as well as the intensification of the process of dyeing the threads of the base of silk fabrics
with active dyes, is important due to the need to choose optimal conditions for their implementation, ensuring the
stability of the quality characteristics of finished products and increasing labor productivity and equipment.


Как цитировать
Mutalipova, D. (2022). Development of a Polymer Composite Composition for the Process of Dyeing Silk Fibers with Acid Dyes. Центр Научных Публикаций (buxdu.Uz), 19(19). извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки

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