Poetics of modern Uzbek storytelling (based on the work of E. Azam)


Gayrat Murodov


During the years of independence, Uzbekistan has made significant progress in
the study of fiction in terms of creative individual approach. Indeed, the study of satirical
representations of reality in close connection with the art of creating an artistic image is one
of the most important tasks facing literature.


Как цитировать
Murodov, G. (2022). Poetics of modern Uzbek storytelling (based on the work of E. Azam) . Центр Научных Публикаций (buxdu.Uz), 19(19). извлечено от http://journal.buxdu.uz/index.php/journals_buxdu/article/view/7501
Статьи buxdu.uz

Библиографические ссылки

Azam E. Happy day, unhappy day ... // Star of the East. - 1986. - №3. - B.176-178. 67.

A'zam E. The thoughts of a deceived generation.Conversation. (Interviewer - Kulman

Achil) / UzAS. - December 14, 1990.

Azam E. Problems of the literary process. Conversation. (Interviewer - Gulnoz

Sattorova) // Uzbek language and literature. - 2010. - №2. - B. 39- 43. 69.

Azam E. I have no weapon but a pen. Conversation. (Interviewer - Safarali Kurbanov)

// Youth. - 2012. - №2. - B. 4-7. 70. A'zam E. My main occupation is Literature, but my

luck ran in the movies ... Interview. (Interviewer - Marhabo Kochkarova) // Sharq

yulduzi. - 2014. - №1. - B. 158-162.

Abdullaev M. Rebellion against indifference // UzAS. - December 14, 1984. 72.

Akramov G'. Artistic word and theoretical thought // UzAS. - September 6, 1985.

Ashurova N. Some features of Erkin Azam's style // Uzbek language and literature. -

- № 5. - B. 65-67. 74.

Andaniyazova D. Erkin Azam's skill in using anthroponyms. A collection of

theses.Republican scientific-practical conference of young scientists. - Tashkent:

December 18, 2014. - B. 208-210.OBID SHOFIYEV, ERKIN A’ZAMNING BADIIY MAHORATI (Monografiya), Mersin Akademi Yayınları - ISBN: 978-625-7882-10-1 -

Mer Ak Publishing House, 2020

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