
nodira azizova


In the Bukhara region, it is important to feed the bee colony with natural, vitamin-rich feed that

accelerates the development of the colony, in addition to accelerating the development of the

colony, for the artificial breeding of queen bees in early spring if there is no pollen. Natural

nutrients have a positive effect on the development of the bee family and create a solid basis for

the artificial breeding of queen bees.


Как цитировать
azizova, nodira. (2022). FEED BIOTECHNOLOGY IN THE CULTIVATION OF BEES QUEENS ARTIFICIALLY. Центр Научных Публикаций (buxdu.Uz), 17(17). извлечено от http://journal.buxdu.uz/index.php/journals_buxdu/article/view/7238
Статьи buxdu.uz

Библиографические ссылки

Azizova N., Makhmadiyarov O., Ashdosheva F., Torraev O. The effect of sumalac water on

the weight of native bees in the cultivation of native bees in an artificial way. Materials of the

Republican scientific-practical conference on livestock. Samarkand, 2019, 82-84 Betler.

Azizova N., Makhmadiyarov O., Ashdosheva F., Torraev O. The effect of lawn mower

(sumalak) water on the productivity of the bee family. Materials of the Republican scientificpractical conference on livestock. Samarkand, 2019, 79-81 Betler.

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Pchelovodstvo, 2001, № 1, str. 19-20.

Azizova N.A., Torraev O., Doniyorov S.T., Makhmadiyarov O.A. Isskustvennix vivod matok

na pasekax. A collection of materials dedicated to the 90 anniversary of the Institute of silk

production. Tashkent, 2017, 290-293 pages.

Azizova N.A., Torraev O.S., Doniyorov S.T., Makhmadiyarov O.A. The main stages of

budding larvae in the cultivation of native bees in an artificial way. A collection of materials

dedicated to the 90 anniversary of the Institute of silk production. Tashkent, 2017, 293 b00


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