Mechanism of Implementation of Mandatory Health Insurance in Uzbekistan under Conditions of Increasing Integration Processes


Iroda Niyozova


The article examines the tendencies of the formation and development of the
insurance market in Uzbekistan, the peculiarities of its functioning, including in the context of
integration processes, defining the role of the insurance market of Uzbekistan in the country's
integration into the world economy and identifying the main directions of its further
development, formulating a holistic view of quantitative parameters of the Uzbek insurance
market and its structure. Formation of the insurance market of the Republic of Uzbekistan and
the processes associated with ensuring insurance protection of medical interests of legal entities
and individuals in the conditions of the formation of the main institutions of the country's market


Как цитировать
Niyozova, I. (2021). Mechanism of Implementation of Mandatory Health Insurance in Uzbekistan under Conditions of Increasing Integration Processes. Центр Научных Публикаций (buxdu.Uz), 7(7). извлечено от

Библиографические ссылки

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