Silence is a Pragma linguistic event taking medical Ephemic significance


Guli Toirova
Дилором Юлдашева
Дилдора Юсупова


Abstract: It is important that any activity in human society has a positive practical value. Since language and speech derived from it is an activity associated with communication, expressiveness, accumulation, its result is also characterized by the power of speech, the achievement of the intended goal of speech. It is well known that verbal communication differs from the simple realization of linguistic possibilities in a certain material form. Verbal communication is situational, so its forms and expressiveness are multifaceted.


Как цитировать
Toirova, G., Юлдашева D., & Юсупова D. (2021). Silence is a Pragma linguistic event taking medical Ephemic significance. Центр Научных Публикаций (buxdu.Uz), 7(7). извлечено от

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