Given is the article providing information of Torob Fortress in Jondor
district of Bukhara region, the process of historical formation in BC, the construction of
castles and fortresses from the 4th to the 3rd centuries BC through which are also stated
in archeological researches. Since the early Middle Ages, the village of Torob and the
surrounding villages have been prosperous including markets, shops, handicraft stalls,
and settlements on the four sides of the fortress. The article also gives information about
the four gates around the city, the mosque, the well, the special guard towers (shinaks),
the dynasties that emerged in later periods. Clearly, although the Torob fortress was
in crisis during the Arab conquest in the early eighth century it was developed during
the reign of the Karakhanids, Khorezmshahs. The square is now about 4-5 hectares
comprising of symbolic tomb of Mahmud Torobi on the hill and a well in front of it,
(about 40 meters deep) and the roofs of old houses and the location of the mosque.
Библиографические ссылки
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