Production of microscopic always their use in livestock and poultry
In microscopic algae. species rich in physiologically active substanc proreirs.
earbohydrates, vitamins, fbts, enzymes, hormones - are isolated from nature and
propagated in a special nutrient medium. The biochemical composition of clrlor.ella
and ssenedesmus algae-pure cells is studied by separating and urulriplyirg t6e
green algae species that are rich in nutrient medium. chlorella and sse'edesrrrs
contain 5a-55% of protein s, 25-30%o of carbohydrates, 7 -ls% of fats, vitamins A,
B, Bl ,B2,86,Br2,c,D and otherphysiologicaily active substances.
Как цитировать
mustafoev, xusen. (2021). Production of microscopic always their use in livestock and poultry. Центр Научных Публикаций (buxdu.Uz), 6(6). извлечено от