Tabu i evfemizmi


Нафиса Гайбуллаева


Resume: The article examines the origin of taboos and euphemisms in medical speech. Along with this, the concept of taboo is revealed, which is an important unit of language and a historical form of social management of society, its ethnogenesis. The article highlights such varieties as ethnographic taboo and linguistic taboo. Samples of linguistic taboos are given, various classifications of taboos and euphemisms used in medical speech are given. The purpose of the taboo and the need to use euphemisms in medical speech are substantiated. The manifestations of euphemisms that take the form of a pictorial means are revealed, and the factors that determine the emergence of euphemisms are analyzed.


Как цитировать
Гайбуллаева, Н. (2021). Tabu i evfemizmi. Центр Научных Публикаций (buxdu.Uz), 3(3). извлечено от

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