Efficiency of navmutant lines in the creation of сotton (g. hirsutum l.) varieties Efficiency of navmutant lines in the creation of сotton (g. hirsutum l.) varieties
According to the article, new promising families and lines of
cotton that are resistant to unfavorable climatic conditions have been
created. The cotton is fruitful, quick-growing, and has high fiber quality. The
study was based on the variability and heredity of the main morphoeconomic characters in the hybrid generations obtained between cotton
varieties with promising lines of cotton. We investigated the L-203 K line,
SML-3882, SML-5531, SML-4042 mutant variety lines, the Bukhara-6
cotton variety, and the connections between the L-203 K line and mutant
variety lines in our research. In reciprocal hybrids, the inheritance and
variability of features were examined. In the breeding procedure, the
maternal form's fully grown flower buds were taken out and the maternal
flowers got fertilized the following day after the male pollen grains had
reached maturity. The system developed by S. Wright and published in the
publications of G. V. Beil and others was employed to determine the degree
of character dominance in hybrids of the first syllable. Heritability and
variability of traits were studied by comparison with parental samples in the
reciprocal hybrids obtained through cross-breeding, including plant height,
height of the first harvest branch, time from sowing to flowering, ripening
speed, fiber yield, fiber length, cotton weight per boll, number of bolls per
plant, etc. Many new families and ridges that were well suited to the soil and
climate of the Bukhara region were separated. These families and ridges had
high yields, excellent fiber quality, and yields. After extensive breeding over
many years, a new cotton variety called "Zhondor Qudrati 1" was produced.
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